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Wednesday 17 August 2016

The Secrets of Taking Positive Action That No One is Talking About

You may have learned some different methods for using the Law of Attraction in your life including repetition of positive thoughts, and practicing meditation. While both of these techniques are useful, they aren't a complete way to manifest what you want to achieve by using the Law of Attraction.

As you know, when you visualize and focus on positive thoughts and feelings, you begin to manifest the things that you want. But the next requirement in utilizing the Law of Attraction is to take positive action in your life. By take positive action, I mean doing the things that put you in the right environment for being able to receive the benefits that come from all of your focused purposeful work in manifesting things to yourself. Just as someone who is addicted to eating should not hang out in a bakery or sweet shop, you should not find yourself in situations that prevent you from getting the things that you are visualizing. The previous example might have been extreme, but it was used to illustrate a point.

Once you have learned about the Law of Attraction and decide to take steps to use it more effectively in your life, you should congratulate yourself. But don't stop there. You need to take positive action to ensure that you stay on the right track. You will notice that a person who stops to take inventory of their life and finds that they are doing things that are not helping them to achieve their goals, and then tries to "right the ship" begins to feel as if things are falling into place for them. As they try to make improvements in their life, beneficial things come to them. They have made a decision to improve. They focus on what they need to do, and then they take positive action to ensure that they achieve what they have been wanting. Let's look at this from the perspective of trying to lose weight.

 Let's suppose that someone wants to lose weight. They try to improve their thinking by making positive affirmations, and they meditate daily. They also stop at the coffee shop every day before work which has the large selection of yummy pastries from which to choose. This person did not take positive action when they
went to the place that encouraged them to participate in behaviors that increased their weight. If the person had done something to take positive action, she would have chosen to go to a different place to get their coffee in the morning, or they would have skipped the coffee shop altogether.

When you take positive action in reaching for what you want, you are reinforcing the positive thoughts that you have been expressing yourself. You are using the Law of Attraction in your life to its fullest extent. You are primarily taking responsibility for yourself when you take positive action toward the life that you want. Once you take positive action in trying to achieve what you want, you are receiving the benefits available to you due to the Law of Attraction.
Find out more about the secret of taking positive action.....It may change you life @
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Tuesday 16 August 2016

Do you want to feel good about yourself?

Do you want to feel good about yourself? Do wish you could wake up in the morning feeling happy about who you are, how your body feels, what you're looking forward to accomplishing that day?
(Artwork my Elaine Daley see the collection at: Instead do you wake up feeling dissatisfied, unworthy, with a dark cloud of low mood and bad feelings hanging over you? Do you hear a voice inside making predictions of doom, saying things like, "You never do things right," or "You're going to mess up today like always"?

Perhaps this inner critic has been with you as long as you can remember. You might call it a self-sabotaging voice, or it might sound like one of your parents has taken up residence in your head. You might even be feeling desperate or despairing because it seems like, even though you yearn for change, the truth is you will always feel this bad.

You might be like John, who feels he doesn't have a right to have good things happen to him, he doesn't deserve to feel better. You might be like Alice, who wants to move forward in her life and make positive changes, but feels like she gets stopped every time by negative self-talk, an inner voice that says, "You don't have what it takes to do that."

The inner critic is often harsh, relentlessly judgmental, nagging, pushing, unforgiving and unkind. It uses words like "never" and "always" -- as in, "You'll never get anywhere with your life," and "You'll always be a failure." It's also very fond of the word "should," as in "You should go on a diet," or "You shouldn't be such a slob."
I used to have an inner critic like this. My life felt stuck, I wasn't doing what I wanted and needed to do, especially writing the book I was longing to write. I was also overindulging in certain behaviors, and I felt bad about myself. My constant companion was that blaming, nagging inner voice: "You should get it together, you aren't doing enough, you're a failure, you'll always be this way..." Sometimes it reminded me of ways my father spoke to me, but my inner critic was meaner than my father ever was.

But then I learned something that turned my life around. I changed my relationship with that inner critical voice, and in doing so, I also changed my life. I stopped procrastinating, finished my book, got it published -- and today I have a thriving business, a wonderful partner, and a happy life. I wake up in the morning loving my life and looking forward to my day. Sound too good to be true? If I can do it, so can you.
I used to think I needed the inner critical voice to get me moving. I thought that without the nagging and the name-calling I would never get anything done. But it was the other way around. That inner criticism was exactly what was in my way. The inner criticizing brought out an inner rebellious part of me that didn't want to do anything. The inner critic was a key part of what kept me stuck.

So what's the secret to turning your life around? Two things. One, the inner critic is actually worried, and that's why it's talking that way. Two, the real you is bigger than the inner critic, bigger than the inner rebel -- big enough to be compassionate to that very worried part of you that is criticizing because it's so worried.
"It's worried? Really? But it sounds so angry, so disdainful, so sure of itself." Yes, and that's how people sound when they are worried because something is urgent but they feel fairly powerless. Imagine what a mother might say to a teenage daughter who is leaving the house dressed in a way that worries her. "You'll catch your death of cold" is the mildest. Or, "People will think you're a slut." These are expressions of worry. The parent is saying what he or she is worried will happen -- in other words, what he or she doesn't want to happen to the daughter. See how that works? Because the parent is so worried, the worry comes out like a statement of fact, a prediction of exactly what the parent doesn't want.

Let's try this out on the inner critic. It says, "You will fail." It's actually worried that you will fail. It says, "You don't have what it takes." It's actually worried you don't have what it takes. It says, "You're going to mess up today." It's actually worried you're going to mess up today.

What about when it says you "should" or "should not" do this or that? It's worried what will happen to you if you don't do or if you keep doing what it's talking about. If it says, "You should quit smoking," it's worried what will happen to you if you don't quit smoking. And so on.

And what about when it makes blanket statements of disdain like, "You're nothing," or "You'll always fail just like you always have." In these cases it's worried that the truth about you is that you're nothing or you'll always fail. It doesn't really want that to be true, it's just worried that it is.

The inner critic actually doesn't want the things it's worried about to happen. This is tragic, because it sounds like it does. It sounds like it's pronouncing the truth instead of expressing its worries. That's because it feels desperate, out on a limb, and all alone in what it's worried about.

That's where my second secret comes in: that you are bigger than what's bugging you. When we hear that inner critical voice in our heads, we often feel small, weak, low, ashamed, unworthy. That's because we're getting identified with a part of us that believes the criticism and sinks under it. But we don't have to identify with a part. We can choose to identify instead with our larger self, the compassionate and fearless one who we really are.
How would you treat a worried, scared part of you if you were not afraid of it? With compassion and kindness, and also with curiosity because it might have something important to say.
Try this: When the critical voice appears, remember that you are larger than it is, larger in every way: big-hearted, generous, fearless, and able to see and understand a bigger picture. Then turn toward it, and say to it, "Sounds like you might be worried about something." Just doing this much often creates a big shift in that inner criticizing part of you. You'll probably start to feel its worry, and that's a good thing, because what it's worried about isn't set in stone, it's something you have the power to do something about.

Start by telling this worried part of you that you really hear how worried it is. Invite it to tell you what its deepest worry is, at the heart of everything. It will probably say it's worried you won't do well, that you'll suffer too much, or that you won't accomplish what you were born to do. See how it's really on your side! In this process you will notice it start to sound kinder, more protective. At the same time you'll feel your own confidence growing, confidence that you are larger than your worries and fears.
The good news is that even if you don't feel large and compassionate toward the critical voice, you will become that way when you act as if you are.

Turn with compassion and curiosity toward the parts of you that feel critical, invite them to tell you what they're worried about, and you'll be amazed at how much better you start to feel, and how fast your life starts to get moving again.

Turn your passion for life into a mission at:

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Saturday 13 August 2016

Why Your Inspiration is The Key To Your Success...

Have you found your inspiration? As an Artist I have found my inspiration. My art empowers me to express my love for the world and and helps me to inspire others to live their dream. Many of us dream big but never truly believe we can achieve our life's ambitions. You can view my art at:

This article will help you to appreciate that your inspiration is the key to your success...

Each and every one of us has our own goal, we want to achieve something in our life, we want to chase our dreams, to go after them and be SUCCESSFUL. But the big question is how do we do it? Is there a formula for it? Am I putting enough effort? Is there a right timing to do it? Does time matter? And the list of questions can go on and on, but don't we stop and actually tell ourselves that instead of asking so many questions on how to be successful, should I just start doing something? The time we waste from searching for answers, we should just use it to take actions. Start doing things NOW, not later, not tomorrow, NOW. I came up with a formula to reach success in life, INSPIRATION + EFFORT + STAY FOCUSED = SUCCESS.

In order for us to get ready in reaching our goals and dreams, we first have to have our INSPIRATION. Who and what can be our inspirations? It can either be our family, friends, partner, spouse, children or we may want to have a new car, new house, gadgets, a £30k worth of watch etc. All the hindrances, distractions and obstructions we come to face along our journey in reaching our goals and dreams don't matter as long as we're inspired, our inspirations keep us going. Sometimes the people who inspires us or the things that inspires us may let us down, but this doesn't mean we have to give up in reaching our goals and dreams, find someone else or something else or let it inspire you to do more, to strive harder and prove them wrong. Have you found your inspiration?

Now, let's talk about effort. How much effort do we put in? Is our effort enough to achieve what we want? Effort means a vigorous or determined attempt to do something. Without effort we are not going anywhere, we need to put in effort to be where we want to, we need to put in effort to get what we want. Imagine a seed how it breaks through the soil and be a nice plant but without the effort, the appropriate amount of time, sun and water, it won't grow. The same thing with our dreams and goals, if we don't put in effort, like giving our time, if we give a little bit, it will take longer to be where we want but if we put the right amount of time and effort, we will see the changes faster. So, I ask you now, are you willing to put in the right amount of time and effort to reach your goals and dreams?

Focus, what is focus? How do we stay focus? Do we need to stay focus to get where we want to? By
definition, focus means the centre of interest or activity. In life, if we want to succeed, we focus on the things that we want to be and want to get. If we want something we need to focus only on that certain thing, we shouldn't let anything or anyone hinder or distract us. We need to stay in track or else we will just be in the loop of starting and getting distracted, then we start again then get distracted, this scenario will repeat over and over again and we don't want that. We won't go anywhere if we stay in the loop, ignore distractions, and STAY FOCUSED. An athlete only thinks of winning, he only concentrates on the finish line, he thinks he's the only one in the track. If we want to reach our dreams and goals we should stay focused on it and avoid being in the loop. Set our minds on what we want.

These principles apply in our day to day life, but also in a business, whatever this business would be you always have to have a plan, inspiration, put in the effort and stay focused. Building a business requires a lot of work and building a Successful Business requires even more effort and focus. We see new business being launched every day and it has been like this for a very long time. Think about Henry Ford, Karl Benz and all of the other big car builders in the past, everyone thought they were crazy for building a car... But they had their INSPIRATION, they STAYED FOCUS on what they want and they PUT IN THE EFFORT and today we all enjoy our cars.
If you want to find out more about building an online Business, find your INSPIRATION and learn to STAY FOCUSED

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Wednesday 10 August 2016

Why You Need A Mission Statement

Why do you need a mission statement? To paraphrase the old parable, imagine you're climbing a ladder in your life, higher and higher you climb, not looking down, just climbing. One day, you look down and you realize you've been climbing up the right ladder, but it's set against the wrong house. The wrong house problem happens because you didn't set your mission.

So what are some of the characterstics of a good mission statement?
  • It should be hand-written, and 3-5 sentences will do just fine. Hand writing it will help you commit it to memory, and being brief allows you to bend it as time goes by.

  • You should post it someplace you can see it frequently. I would recommend you put it on an index card and put it in your wallet or purse and pull it out frequently. The more often you review it, the more it will become part of you.

  • You should commit it to your memory, as it is the central theme that runs through your life.Looking for help? Here's a few tool that might help you build your own personal mission statement:

  • The Franklin Covey mission builder

  • I hope you found this article helpful. My name is Elaine Daley and an Artist on a mission to help you to achieve the things that really matter to you. This article shows the importance of having a mission statement so that you pin down what you really matters to you and don't end up living a life you can't recognised because your so unhappy and unfulfilled.
    For more information on how you can change your life and make the things you care about actually happen check out:

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    Tuesday 9 August 2016

    Ridiculously Easy steps to Your Professional Development

    Every organization favors employees that contribute to its growth and potential. They hire skilled and efficient people, dedicated to organization goals. In spite of the efforts made, there is an inherent need to enroll proficient and motivated workers for a long-term relationship with the organization. There are professional development plans that include vital strategies for people to realize their career advancement and employment goals.

    There are professional development seminars that provide the necessary information on self-assessment. A career counselor can also offer guidelines to students and professionals, before they move on to the planning stage. The students are asked to draft a professional development plan. The necessary details in the plan help the counselors to provide suitable guidelines for them to choose a particular field of interest. A plan helps them to target the areas most important for the overall objective of securing a job or internship.

    A professional development plan is a methodical lay out of personal information, professional objective, target employers and professional development needs. Personal information includes email and phone numbers, degree programs and the date of graduation.

    The professional objectives provide detailed information on favorable jobs or internship. They may list the favored scales, public, private, non-profit, or multi-lateral sectors. They specifically describe the career and the desired employer, along with the job function and geographical location.

    Information on target employers consists of a list of organizations and locations favored. There are details on professional development needs provided, through reflection and research. It helps to create a list of the skills and experiences they need to further develop, to realize the professional development goals.

    There are online sites of the programs that set standards of planning. Their web sites provide resources and tools needed to use the professional development model to implement individual professional development plans.

    If you would like help with how to climb the corporate ladder than keep visiting this website for futher useful information. I will also be creating a series of useful videos on the topic that is sure to propel you to the top of your profession so don't miss out.......
    Also don't forget to check out my free e-book on "The True Secret to Your Success" at:

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    Monday 8 August 2016

    Do you have the Power to Dream Big…….??

    My name is Elaine Daley an I'm an Artist. You may not know it but the power to dream big is one of the most important keys your future well being. As children were taught to follow convention and not to do anything that draws attention to ourselves, but this often results in living a mundane, boring existence and in extreme cases can lead to depressions and other serious illnesses.

    So what can be done about this?? Do you have a dream, a vision for your life that has simply not materialised because you feel powerful to implement it? Well if you do, you are not alone. There are literally hundreds of people living hum drum boring lives. They are made to beat to other people's drum with no control over there own future.

    Is this you....??

    Well if it is, it doesn't have to be that way. There are literally hundreds of opportunities waiting for you and a  way that you can be the arhitect to your own future and live a happy and fulfilled life. Visit for more information. It's an article that will show you the first steps you should take to change your life so that you can enjoy your freedom and attain financial independence doing the things that you love and enjoy based on your true gift. What is your true gift? I hear you ask. Well I believe were all born with a purpose based on our passion for life and I'm here to help you find out what yours is.

    Your first step starts right here?

    The video below will provide you with a powerful way to start your journey to success.........So don't miss out on your remarkable future and stay in touch @

    Also visit