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Wednesday 10 August 2016

Why You Need A Mission Statement

Why do you need a mission statement? To paraphrase the old parable, imagine you're climbing a ladder in your life, higher and higher you climb, not looking down, just climbing. One day, you look down and you realize you've been climbing up the right ladder, but it's set against the wrong house. The wrong house problem happens because you didn't set your mission.

So what are some of the characterstics of a good mission statement?
  • It should be hand-written, and 3-5 sentences will do just fine. Hand writing it will help you commit it to memory, and being brief allows you to bend it as time goes by.

  • You should post it someplace you can see it frequently. I would recommend you put it on an index card and put it in your wallet or purse and pull it out frequently. The more often you review it, the more it will become part of you.

  • You should commit it to your memory, as it is the central theme that runs through your life.Looking for help? Here's a few tool that might help you build your own personal mission statement:

  • The Franklin Covey mission builder

  • I hope you found this article helpful. My name is Elaine Daley and an Artist on a mission to help you to achieve the things that really matter to you. This article shows the importance of having a mission statement so that you pin down what you really matters to you and don't end up living a life you can't recognised because your so unhappy and unfulfilled.
    For more information on how you can change your life and make the things you care about actually happen check out:

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