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Saturday 28 May 2016

How to Achieve Goals and Succeed in Self Improvement

One common theme in "growing up," or at least in becoming all you can be - without joining the U.S. Army, that is - is to learn how to achieve goals. If you are at a point in your life where you want to do that, to become a better version, an upgrade of you, then you will need a plan to do so. Here is one of the best ways to get you on the road to successfully achieving your goals, and it centers around one key problem.
That key problem is a lack of focus. Too often, a parade of opportunity seems to be driving for your attention, just off to stage left. You may start to follow a plan, even make progress...only to discover that you have found an even bigger, easier, faster-track plan that seems to promise threefold what your former plan could deliver.
You know the rest of the story, and it ends up in a long resume peppered with good intentions and running starts. The problem with running starts is that they are meaningless without a finish line in sight. Instead of succumbing to the death of a thousand cuts, here is one of the keys to learning how to achieve goals: get yourself a one-track mind.
The only way to beat status quo is to quit being status quo - get a plan together for a goal, whatever that goal is, and work it. See it through. It's a lot like bowling in that way - the "follow-through," as it's called. If you want your ball to hit that pocket between the king pin and either pin #2 or #3, the follow-through is important.
Tips on getting focused:
  • Give Yourself A Reasonable Deadline
  • Identify What Distracts You And Counter It
  • Reward Little Successes
1. Give Yourself A Reasonable Deadline
Don't be either too easy or hard on yourself. Rome wasn't built in a day, your goals will need time to be reached. Set reasonable deadlines, and if they don't look like they're going to be met, either kick it in gear, hire help, or re-set your deadline based on your current status and review. Without deadlines, goals are simply all talk.Tip: Break your big goals into smaller milestones along the way. This way you can mark your progress and feel a sense of accomplishment.
2. Identify What Distracts You And Counter It
For some, it's sporting events, BBQ's with friends, television or video games and other amusements. For others, it may be that impromptu visit from a friend or neighbor that results in an afternoon not accomplishing your goals.
It may be time to deny yourself and your friends this luxury for a while, as you set out to reach for your goals. Just make sure it's temporary - you don't want to reach your goals and wind up old, alone and done for, like Captain Hook.
3. Reward Little Successes
When you reach a milestone, be sure that you acknowledge the victory somehow. make sure that your "victory party" is do-able, enjoyable, and within reason. For instance, if your goal is to lose weight, your celebration shouldn't include eating a cheesecake. Just sayin'...
Get focused, that's the big key of how to achieve goals. Without focus, you're on a trip to the same place you started from, status quo. Get a little tough on yourself, and get moving. That's how it's done.

I hope you have found this article interested. If you would like to take your goals to the next level then please visit:

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Friday 27 May 2016

Finding The Real You

Why is it that so many people live unfulfilled lives, especially when it comes to their chosen profession?
This has lead to many people living out their lives without any real sense of accomplishment. These same people always tend to take some short-cut method to change their lives. Yet time and again they fail to unlock their true potential.
Whether it may be to start their own businesses, learn to play the piano or pursue charitable activities, people will not succeed in unlocking their potential unless they are dedicated to the task and willing to do the work.
Follow Your Passion and Desire
We hear the following quotes s all the time:
• "Do what you love"
• "True learning takes passion"
• "Everyone needs to be passionate about something."
But what do these cliches really mean? To unlock your true potential, you need to ask, "What would I do for free, just because I love it?"
This is the type of love and desire necessary to make ANY venture successful. There must be this burning desire to just do something that you really wants to do otherwise you'll burst. You must consider the following questions:
• What are your favourite hobbies, interests?
• Who are the people you admire most?
• What have these people accomplished that makes you admire them so much?
The answers will help you define your talents. Passion together with a great idea and expertise is a recipe for unlocking your true potential.
Develop your vision, goals and expertise

Many people have dreams and goals but they tend to be extremely vague, such as, "To live a better life". Your vision, goals and objectives should be as specific and as measurable as possible.
Write down the details. This is where you need to work at turning your passion into a skill and develop expertise that adds value. This part takes a lot of work and may even require research and/ or formal training.
Understand that there is nothing wrong with asking for and receiving help. It's critical to unlocking individual potential. If you need to improve your skills, then you should get it and, of course, practice your new found skill.
Great reward is not achieved without taking risk. As cliched as this may sound, the fact remains that if an individual wants to win big, then he must take chances. Avoiding risk is the surest way to become short-sighted and not reaching your full potential. You MUST step out of your comfort zone and explore a different mindset. That is the TRUE power of non-traditional thought and such thought is mandatory for success and for the person to be all that he can be.
Things to Do/Take action
Winners, successful people take action to unlock true potential. The following suggestions can be helpful for anyone seeking fulfillment:
• List three things that mean most to you; then list three things that you currently spend most time on. Do they match? Chances are that the answer for most people is 'no'. Therefore, plan with your passion in mind. Spend time on the things that are most important. Live your passion, values and commitment.
• Assess your strengths and evaluate yourself. Focus on areas where you have natural talent.
• Determine your mission, goals and objectives and make them as detailed as possible. Place them in an area where they will be seen everyday.
• If you need training, then get it. Hone and refine your skill.
• Find out what actions are needed to accomplish this and what actions to avoid.
• Surround yourself with positive and like-minded people, Mentors help unlock potential.
• Get involved in positive situations and doing positive things during your day, everyday.
• Recognise negative thoughts and actions for what they really are. For example, if you really want to have your own business, then don't say, "I am not good at accounting." Change this statement to, "Yes, I've had some trouble before, but now, I will learn from mistakes and try again. I will seek training or learn the basics from an expert or even hire the expert."
• Be grateful for mistakes. They teach you what not to do. Learn from them and move on.
You will see the rewards of unlocking your true potential if you stick with it.
"If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got"

If your truly serious about finding your true potental visit:
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Thursday 26 May 2016

Discover The Secret to Being Financially Independant and Carefree

Financial independence is having the freedom to support yourself through your own efforts. Here are seven fundamental habits that will help you achieve and maintain financial independence.
1. Express Gratitude
Financial independence begins with gratitude. Set aside a daily period to offer a sincere thank you for every blessing in your life. Include people, places, possessions, talents, and memories. Offer gratitude for your future dreams as though they were already in your possession.
Gratitude will allow you to attract the blessings you want. When they arrive, protect them from the thieves that could rob you of your financial independence.
2. Liberate Your Future
Debts of the past are thieves of the future. If you want financial independence, live a simple life style that does not create unnecessary personal debt. Living with class does not require being extravagant. If you are conservative most of the time, you can be extravagant at the right times.
Do not allow credit card companies to hold your future hostage. Take control. Seek professional help to get rid of credit card debt that robs you of high monthly interest payments. Borrowing is a tool that should produce a return on your investment, not cost your future security.
3. Commit to Wellness
Your health is also an asset that you need to protect. Wellness allows you to manage and enjoy financial independence. Get regular physical checkups and maintain a sensible physician-approved exercise program. These can help to minimize illnesses and maximize the rewards of a productive life.
Maintaining wellness requires an ongoing commitment. Another area of commitment that is equally important to financial independence is one of personal financial discipline.
4. Develop a Saving Discipline
A financially independent future requires saving, and saving requires discipline. As credit card debt diminishes, savings can begin to increase. An emergency savings fund of six to twelve months living expenses is a wise idea. However, you will want major long-term savings plans for such goals as education and retirement.
Do not expect the government to take care of your financial future. If you want to remain financially independent, take ultimate responsibility for every chapter of your financial life. That responsibility begins with wise investing and respect for money.
5. Invest Wisely and Respect Money
My father taught me to have several investments that produce an ongoing, passive income. This, he said, would allow me to remain independent if I were to become physically disabled. These investments are like "feeding geese that lay golden eggs". Passive income streams also provide additional capital to place in other financial growth investments.
Respect for money is the beginning of saving and investing. Respect for a dollar begins with respect for a penny. You will always have dollars if you take care of your pennies. Even the smallest of assets and investments need protection.
6. Protect Yourself and Your Loved Ones
In the article, Ten Traits of Successful Entrepreneurs, I wrote that one of those traits was making a commitment to protect the welfare of your family and loved ones. Ensuring the safety of your financial assets is part of doing this.
Adequate insurance coverage for your life, health, and property is a wise investment. You should also use professional legal, financial, and security services to help protect your business, property, and all the things you have worked to acquire.
7. Design Your Financial Independence with Qualified Help
Seek qualified professionals to help you design your financial future. You do not need to be a financial expert to become financially independent, but you must become financially literate. Seek professional guidance from experts in financial planning, taxes, and accounting. These people can work with you to help you realize your financial goals.
Begin today by seeking out professionals that can help you achieve your financial goals. Become financially independent in your own mind. Express gratitude for the blessings you will receive as if they were already in your possession. Avoid and eliminate unnecessary personal debt, and live a healthy lifestyle. Save with discipline, invest wisely, and respect your financial assets. Protect the assets you have worked to acquire, and you can enjoy the financially independent lifestyle that you have envisioned.

If you want to learn more about how to become financially independant Visit:
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Wednesday 25 May 2016

The True Secret of Your Success

In my experience the real secret to achieving success can be summed up in one word...
That word is excitement.
Follow your excitement and it will lead to the good life-without exception.
Some people call it passion. Others call it love. But I like the word 'excitement'
Excitement means energy or enthusiasm.
Here's a quick story about finding passion...
Back when I was starting my online business-I was making no money initially.
Life kind of sucked. Bills went unpaid. Stress was a daily occurrence.
But one thing I noticed was that my excitement for what I was doing never waned.
And little by little. Success started to show up.
Here's the point...
When you send out that excited beacon into the universe every day... abundance cannot help but show up eventually.
Abundance is in essence-excitement itself. So like attracts like.
Follow that energy and the money will come.

So in Summary:

1) Pick something you love and turn it into a skill that people want. You might have to tweak it a little... but you will find something. It's important that you love it... cause when you love your skill you can love the process of getting better at it all the time. It's a win win for you and your customers.
2) Focus on how you want your life to be every day. Picture it in detail. Where you live. What you do from the first moment you wake. Picture and focus on this every day.
3) Stop telling it like it is. In other words-if you are broke right now or don't have a lot of money... stop telling yourself and other people this is the case... because telling it like it is keeps it how it is. You don't need to go around doing affirmations all day-you just need to drop your story.
It's interesting to note that this 'excitement' energy has many other abundance benefits besides just attracting money.
This excitement is life force itself.
When you live in this excitement your health will benefit enormously.
You will probably also be in a better position to attract a partner of soul mate into your life.
The bottom line is life will be a lot happier and full of vibrant energy.
The last thing to remember is that this excitement is the number one thing you should focus on if you want to live the good life.
The excitement you feel in your life really is the most important thing you can focus on for success.
In addition to focusing on your highest excitement one of the most powerful things you can do when it comes to living the good life and attracting abundance is learning how to maximize the power of the law of attraction.
When you can maximize the power of the law of attraction-there is limit to what you can achieve.

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Tuesday 24 May 2016

What's Holding You Back From Greatness...........??

Do you find that whenever you try to 'creatively visualize' the life of your dreams, an intrusive, negative voice keeps getting in the way of your fun? It says things like:
· "'Yeah right! That's so not going to happen to me!"
· "This is just wishful thinking"
· "This is a waste of my time"
· "It's OK to dream but this ain't gonna happen to me"
· "I'd never really be able to get these things"
... and so on.

Well guess what? If you're new to the Law of Attraction, these reactions are perfectly normal and it's actually good if you've got them... because what the voice says to you is vitally important.
What your negative voice is telling you is this: all these objections are your self-limiting beliefs and it's critical to understand these before we go any further with the Law of Attraction and creating the life of your dreams. So (briefly) a bit about beliefs so that you can get to work on yours in record time.

Your beliefs begin forming in childhood when you pick up on what you hear your parents and siblings talking about. As you progress through life, you continue to form and develop your beliefs.
Beliefs are necessary for survival. You need them as frames of reference to help you make sense of the world, and as they become ingrained in your subconscious, they take root and become your reality. Most of your beliefs are true, accurate and help protect you. However, many of them are outdated and working against your true desires NOW.

For example, you truly want to be rich but the thoughts that pop up when you think of rich people are all negative. Deep down, you believe money is evil, that having money is not good, you have to be born rich and so on. The good news is these beliefs are just negative programs you have picked up from your parents, the media, society... and they are simply not true. So how do you identify them?
You can start with a pen and notebook, and every time you hear the negative voice, jot down the limiting beliefs that come up. Do this for a week, then go back and look for patterns. Once you have identified them, you are now going to write down the exact opposite of every one you have identified.
So if you think: 'Money is evil' change this to:
Money is fantastic! Money creates freedom. Money allows me to help myself, my family, my community. Money is great!

Do this with every negative thought and hammer the new thought home, and whenever you start to think in the 'old' way, immediately switch your thinking to the new way. By doing this consistently, you are consciously and subconsciously reprogramming your mind for success, and working in tune with the Law of Attraction.

If you would like to learn more about how to overcome obstacles you face visit:
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Monday 23 May 2016

Why you can't fail at Achieving your Goals (Part 2)

This is the second part of the article on why you can't fail at achieving your Goals......

5. Making it a Necessity

How do you feel once you've set an outcome? Often, without knowing it, people feel that if they set a goal, it means they have to achieve it, and nothing but it... and if they don't, it means they're a failure.
When we set a goal we are essentially choosing one possibility we want, and rejecting ALL the other possibilities that aren't what we want. We are choosing one thing and saying no to an infinity of others. If we make that one thing a necessity and anything else unacceptable, we're going to run into problems.
There's a name for this; it's called attachment. When we get attached to an outcome, when one thing has to happen and nothing else can happen, we become rigid and inflexible. We are unable to adjust our approach and adapt to situations. What's more is we become afraid; afraid of not achieving our goal and getting what we must get. From that state of fear and need, it becomes hard to achieve.
An outcome doesn't have to be a necessity. Instead, it should be a possibility. You might achieve it, and that would be great, and you might not, and that will be OK too, at least in the short term. On the path to a goal, your goal may change, you may change, you may decide you don't want it at all or that you want something else entirely. A goal should be like a direction; its a possibility and not a necessity.
If your goal has become a necessity, you'll probably find there's fear hiding behind the feeling of need. Working through this fear will be the next step you'll need to take to achieve your goal.

6. Making it Urgent
Many times, after helping someone set an outcome, I ask them, "When do you want this?" The answer that often comes without a thought? "Now."
When setting goals, people often mentally place that goal in the present. They literally have it right in front of them, close up so they can't really see anything else. In their minds, it's not actually part of a possible future, but rather, it's something that should have already happened. This leaves a feeling of urgency and doesn't make anyone feel very able to do what it takes to work toward a goal. When we feel we should have this now, we feel guilty, not motivated. At the extreme this becomes a state of "I have to have this now," and that is a superb way to remain completely stuck. Urgency doesn't help you get very far, and pressuring yourself to achieve doesn't lead to great results.
To achieve a goal, we need time and space. Our mind needs the space to reorganize our behaviour and we need time to adjust, take necessary actions and go through each of the steps. When? is one of the most important questions we can ask when setting an outcome. When we mentally place a goal in the future, at a realistic time and place, we give ourselves space to think and the distance to see clearly what we need to do to achieve it. It might be 30 days, 90 days, 1 year or longer - it depends on the person and the goal.
Sometimes, instead of really determining when you want it, I'll suggest to a client that they consider where they'd have to place it in space to really feel resourceful to achieve it. I like to place things at 90 days because it leaves me feeling relaxed about it all - if it's an aim for 90 days from now, I have plenty of time. When I have all that time, what usually happens is that I get there much much quicker.

7. Expecting Smooth Sailing

When you set an outcome you've just committed to something, something you want and are willing to work toward, and something that's better than what you've got now. Obviously you want to succeed and you don't want to fail. But the reality is that no one' succeeds by avoiding failure. When you clarify what you want, it leaves countless other possibilities that are not what you want, as mentioned above! Think there won't be obstacles and setbacks and you'll be in for a surprise (and a disappointment).
If you're trying to achieve something you've never achieved before, you can be sure that on the way to your outcome there are going to be difficulties, setbacks, obstacles,
mistakes and failures. If you haven't achieved it before, it means you are probably learning something brand new. You'll have to learn how to do it successfully.
What's more is that the bigger your goal, the bigger the potential for failure. The bigger something is and the further it is from where you are now, the greater the potential to experience the unknown, surprises, setbacks and all kind of other things that are not your goal.
When you decide what you want, you can expect lots of what you don't want too. The key is to be able to welcome anything that happens and respond in a way that keeps you moving toward what you want.

8. Over-focusing on the Goal
Once your goal is set, you'll need to determine the steps required to get there. And once you've done that, it's on the steps you'll need to focus, not necessarily on the goal itself.
Focusing on the goal can leave you pressured and overwhelmed, and unaware of the gap between where you are and where you want to be. It's easy to start to get lost in a goal, overfocusing on what you want and unable to see what is actually happening right in front of you. People start to live in the someday thinking and thinking about the future and oblivious to what's going on right now. But if you do that, you can adequately respond to what is going on right now to move you toward your goal.
Sometimes, a goal can become so big in your mind that it seems bigger than you, overwhelming and impossible. If you think about a goal this way, you'll be lost and stuck.
To achieve goals, we need to focus on the steps, and each smallest step in succession. When things aren't going how you want, you need to be able to focus on that and respond to it. By doing this, you engage in the process, enjoy the process and can more easily respond to the feedback you get as part of that process.
What about the goal? You'll want to maintain the goal as a destination in the back of your mind, but stay grounded in the now and attending to the immediate steps.
9. Failing to Look Back
If you're committed to your goals, it's natural to keep your eye on the target. You progress and then you look at where you want to be next. As you climb the mountain you keep looking to the top.
But this gets both tiring and discouraging. Few people take the time to stop and look back at where they came from and the progress they've made. If you keep looking to the top of the mountain, you'll always feel like you're falling short. You'll get discouraged and maybe even want to give up. But stopping every once in a while and looking at how far you've come is like refueling. It shows you that your efforts have been worth it and that if you keep it up, you'll keep on progressing. It gives you that gusto to keep going, and with a sense of appreciation for that progress and achievement.

10. Doing without Thinking
The business world espouses the virtues of being proactive. "Take action!" and "Go for it!" are mottos for achievement. We love the doers, movers and shakers, and value people who get things done. But far too often, people jump into action without sufficient planning and strategizing.
It's very easy to take action and not succeed. Just because you have a goal, doesn't mean your action will pay off. A goal without an effective strategy for achievement will probably lead to more discouragement than success. It's possible to be too proactive and if you are too proactive, you'll act without thinking, try to bulldoze towards your goals and wonder why it didn't work out. It's the Tasmanian devil approach. At the other end of the spectrum is the reflective type, who tends to think, wait, analyze and consider. This person can become the ultimate procrastinator or suffer from analysis paralysis. This is no better for achievement, but might be effective for a writer, academic or other profession where lots of thinking is required.
For most areas, a balance of the two types of thinking is needed to get things done. We need to clarify what we want, design intelligent steps to get there and then take action. Once we're clear on out outcome, we need to think, plan and strategize. It's time to act once we have an effective plan that covers all the bases and considers possible obstacles on the way. This way, we ensure our actions will be as effective as possible.
There are 4 things we must know to achieve our goals:
1. Where we are now? (the present state)
2. Where we want to be? (the desired state)
3. What's in the way?
4. What are the steps we must take?
The NLP Well-Formed Outcome was designed to help people clarify in depth where they are, where they want to be, what's in the way and then to outline the steps to get there. It aims to help us get so clear that we can be sure our action will pay off.
Want to break through the obstacles in your way?

For inspirational picture to inspire you to achieve your goals check out:

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