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Wednesday 25 May 2016

The True Secret of Your Success

In my experience the real secret to achieving success can be summed up in one word...
That word is excitement.
Follow your excitement and it will lead to the good life-without exception.
Some people call it passion. Others call it love. But I like the word 'excitement'
Excitement means energy or enthusiasm.
Here's a quick story about finding passion...
Back when I was starting my online business-I was making no money initially.
Life kind of sucked. Bills went unpaid. Stress was a daily occurrence.
But one thing I noticed was that my excitement for what I was doing never waned.
And little by little. Success started to show up.
Here's the point...
When you send out that excited beacon into the universe every day... abundance cannot help but show up eventually.
Abundance is in essence-excitement itself. So like attracts like.
Follow that energy and the money will come.

So in Summary:

1) Pick something you love and turn it into a skill that people want. You might have to tweak it a little... but you will find something. It's important that you love it... cause when you love your skill you can love the process of getting better at it all the time. It's a win win for you and your customers.
2) Focus on how you want your life to be every day. Picture it in detail. Where you live. What you do from the first moment you wake. Picture and focus on this every day.
3) Stop telling it like it is. In other words-if you are broke right now or don't have a lot of money... stop telling yourself and other people this is the case... because telling it like it is keeps it how it is. You don't need to go around doing affirmations all day-you just need to drop your story.
It's interesting to note that this 'excitement' energy has many other abundance benefits besides just attracting money.
This excitement is life force itself.
When you live in this excitement your health will benefit enormously.
You will probably also be in a better position to attract a partner of soul mate into your life.
The bottom line is life will be a lot happier and full of vibrant energy.
The last thing to remember is that this excitement is the number one thing you should focus on if you want to live the good life.
The excitement you feel in your life really is the most important thing you can focus on for success.
In addition to focusing on your highest excitement one of the most powerful things you can do when it comes to living the good life and attracting abundance is learning how to maximize the power of the law of attraction.
When you can maximize the power of the law of attraction-there is limit to what you can achieve.

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