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Tuesday 26 July 2016

How to Break Through the Barriers to Success, Part 1

We all want to be successful. And when we decide to follow our hearts and pursue our true work, there is this expectation that, somehow, everything we need to know will come to us, all the resources we need will be provided, and because we are doing work that is aligned with our purpose that all will be an effortless flow from one success to the next.

If any of you reading this right now are having this experience, then I want to talk! Because I have discovered that no matter how aligned you are with your purpose, no matter how passionate you are about what it is you are doing, and no matter how hungry the world is for what you have to offer, there are still going to be obstacles and barriers to success.

Most of those barriers are the result of us, insisting that if we just work hard enough, eventually we will achieve the success we seek.

I am here to tell you, there is an easier way. And that way is taking a small pause...and making sure you remember that, like the saying, success is an inside job first.

4 Big Barriers To Watch For
There are 4 big barriers to your success. And, there are corresponding inner actions you can take so that you can constantly be shifting yourself back into alignment with what it is you are wanting to accomplish. But before we get to those, let's take a quick look at what these barriers are.

Scattered Energy. Something happens. Your best laid plans go sideways. The day you had planned starts to unravel. Your emotional and spiritual energy gets totally tangled, you become reactive instead of intentional. You end up sending out scattered energies and getting results that are not in alignment with what you truly want.
Fear. You are in unknown territory. You have no frame of reference for where you are, or what you are doing and experiencing. There is an acronym for fear: false expectations appearing real. And it's really true. A lot of fear is the result of perceiving things that are not real.

Beliefs. Having beliefs that we are incapable or unworthy of the success we are seeking are probably some of the biggest barriers to success. Sometimes fear and belief barriers get all mixed up and we are fearful of the success itself. A belief is a very strong thought pattern that has been integrated with lots of emotion, so it is understandable if you are experiencing this kind of barrier and feeling frustrated with getting to the other side of it.

Focusing on the problems. Where your focus goes, your energy flows, and believe me, you are sure to follow. This barrier is a little bit sneaky. You may think that the problems are the barriers to your success, but it is actually focusing on those problems that is the barrier. You will never come up with the solutions you seek by keeping your eyes on the problems.

As It Is Within, So It Is Without
The way through all of these barriers to success begins with your connection and partnership with Divine Spirit. Sometimes we are in such a hurry to just get out there and be in action, that we forget that taking the few minutes to manage our energy, means you are going to shift your vibrational output to be more aligned with the solutions that will move you closer to success. Do the inner work, and the outer work becomes easier.

In Part 2 of "How to Break Through The Barriers to Success", I give you four energy tools that will help you to leverage your emotional energy and uplevel your vibrational frequency so you're in alignment with the success you are envisioning!

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Monday 25 July 2016

Your Clarity of Purpose and Success.......

Clarity of purpose and direction is one of the keys to career and life success that I discuss in several of my books. You can develop your personal clarity of purpose and direction by doing three things. First, define what success means to you. Second, create a vivid image of your success in your mind. Third, clarify your personal values. Your values will guide your decision making in ambiguous situations.

Clarity of purpose and direction begins with a clear picture of how you define professional success. When I was 25, if you asked me what I wanted to be doing when I was 50, I would have told you, "Running a one person consulting, coaching and speaking business from my house." Guess what? I have been running a one person consulting, coaching and speaking business from my house every since 1988. My clarity of purpose propelled me toward my goal.

I have a friend who is a serial entrepreneur. He started a software business when he was 27. He built it up and sold it to a major computer manufacturer by the time he was 35. He has since started and sold four other companies. His clarity of purpose lies in the challenge of creating something new, building it into a viable, sustainable business and then moving on.

I have another friend who recently retired as the Executive VP of Human Resources for a Fortune 50 company. We were chatting a few days ago. She told me that when she was in college, she decided that she was going to join a good company and work her way up the ladder. She took an entry level HR job with a company she liked. It took her over 25 years, but she eventually became the most senior HR person in that company. Her clarity of purpose and definition of success was different from mine, but she reached her goal.

My second friend told me that her son has yet a different definition of success. He is not interested in climbing the corporate ladder, or in being an entrepreneur. He wants an interesting job where he can contribute, but he doesn't want to spend inordinate amounts of time at work. He wants to spend as much time with his family as he can. His definition of success is different from his mother.
All four of us are professional successes -- according to our clarity of purpose.

There is no one correct definition of professional success. There are as many definitions as there are people in this world. Your definition of professional success is what's right for you -- not anyone else. I would not have been happy building and selling a number of businesses in succession, climbing a corporate ladder or working for a large company in an individual contributor position. However, as you can tell from the stories of the three people above, they were. They knew what they wanted and they went after it.

That's why defining your clarity of purpose is so important. Your clarity of purpose provides both a foundation and launching pad for your professional success. The old saying, "If you don't know where you're going, you won't know when you get there" is a clichut true. Getting clear on your personal definition of profession success is the first step to becoming a career and life success.

If you haven't already done so, I suggest you take some time and think about your clarity of purpose? How do you define professional success for yourself? Keep that purpose and definition of success in mind as you go about your daily business. Think about how what you do can help you reach your purpose.
The common sense point here is simple. Defining your personal clarity of purpose is the first step in becoming a personal and professional success. Use your purpose in life to guide your career and life decision making. Once you are clear on what you want from life, it becomes relatively easy to determine what you need to do to get you there. It all begins with clarity -- and only you can determine what success means for you.

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My name is Elaine Daley and I’m an Artist and Creative Coach. I’m here to get you excited about changing your life. Many people  are looking to wave good bye to a life orchestrated by others and really what to make a difference in their lives by achieving what really matters to them. If this is you  visit my website at: I would love to hear from you so leave your feedback, as I would love to hear from you........ 

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Sunday 17 July 2016

Creativity The Key To Your Success

We are all creative beings and we are designed for expansion and fuller expression. There is no other basic principle of life than this truth. We always want to be better, we always want to have more and do more; that is human nature and nature as we know it. It is our spiritual purpose, to create or co-create. We are the creators of our own reality. No one on this planet can righteously say that they are not creative. It is something that we are born with and we take with us to the day that we pass.

We are constant creators and we never stop creating our realities. Look at our technology, the internet, our homes, our communications, our clothes, our food, furniture and fixtures. How can anyone dare say they are not creative? We take ideas from nowhere and make them something that people want or need. We learn to fix things, take initiative in the office, raise children and even more. We write, sing, dance, play musical instruments, paint and build highways.
It is our nature to be creative. You can deny this or simply accept it as truth. The fact remains that we are creators of our own realities. Some people may not be creative artist, but may be creative engineers, just because we use the rules that fit our professions doesn't make us any less creative than the next guy.
In my life, my father was an electrical laboratory technician and he was very creative. This is a great story where creativity and economy merges to innovation. I observed my dad one day out messing around under the hood of the family car. I didn't give it much thought when he was tinkering around. I thought he was just changing the oil in the car, no bid deal. A few weeks later, I wanted to use the car to go out to see some friends. Well he was tinkering under the hood as usual or so I thought. When I came out to ask for permission to use the car (I was 17 at the time) he said okay let me pour the oil back in. I queried, "what are you talking about?" He then showed me that he built an oil catching mechanism for the car.

Apparently the car had an oil leak from somewhere in the engine. He built an apparatus that caught the leaking oil. When I asked why he did that, he mentioned that oil cost money and to fix the car would cost so much more. He simply improvised a way of catching the oil and pouring it back in to save money. It worked for him and we had that car for 3 years with his apparatus installed!

I will give you another example. When your shaving or brushing your teeth in the morning, you know washing your hands over the sink, does water fall over the sink and get on your wood cabinets or on the floor? I had that problem in that every time I would shave or wash up, there was always water of soap that would find its way to the wood cabinets below or on the floor. I got tired of constantly cleaning the wood and the floor underneath. After a while the wood looked pale and worn. I decided to be creative, so what I did is to take a small towel and place it partially at the edge of the sink. All the spills and overflow would then hit the towel and not the wood, the floor or the edge of the sink. Maybe it is just me, but my sink still looks like it did when I bought the house. One idea that is all it takes.

Just as my dad was creative with the car, or how I was creative with the bathroom sink, you are just as creative. To be successful in any given course of activity, one at times must be innovative or creative in some fashion. We don't always have the right circumstances or the right resources at hand to do anything. We are forced by nature and Universal Law to be creative. There is no denying that when presented with a problem that one of our most major resources and capabilities is our own natural creativity. Brainstorming, Master Minds Groups and a Life Coach can help you become more creative, because creativity is something we all have in common.

Please find coming back to this sight for more powerful inspiration......

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Wednesday 13 July 2016

Love and Passion For Success

Are you doing what you are doing because you love to do it or are you working because of something else? In this article we will look at how you can create success by loving what you do.
From childhood, we learn that we have to work hard to achieve success. We also have learned that it takes lot of blood, sweat and tears to taste success. This is what our parents, elders, school and society teaches us, which gradually becomes our reality. As we start to work, most of us think and believe that to work hard is something that we must do, but in reality we should be working on something that we love or like or are interested in.

Life should challenging and fun, both while we work and while we do not work. Most people think and talk about pleasure when they are not working, but without work, the free time cannot carry the same value. If people are free for one year they cannot enjoy the time!
Highly successful people are the ones who do their work with lots of passion and excitement. If they are not enjoying and excited they cannot have the energy to move ahead every year. Life can only succeed with passion and when it disappears there is no more driving force left.

Think of the love and passion you had in the past or for someone in your life. It can be love a friend, or a child. It is so nice to meet them and have that lovely feeling. Just imagine if you possess the same love and passion for anything you are working with. What will be the result? You will smell this passion in the air and will attract more people who would like to associate with you. Now compare this with the person who only serves to get salary. You will soon realize who will be successful.
If there is love and passion, anything is possible. Think of Thomas Edison without his love and passion for electric bulb and definitely you will realize what I am trying to convey. This is what separates a performer a mediocre person. The passion for work. There cannot be success without passion! With goal-setting and passion even a minor team of baseball can succeed.
Now attitude is everything. That is what we have learned to believe. Think of children who love to be in the rain, till they hear their parents yelling at them. From that day onwards, the child relates rain with something negative. Is your rainy day full of negativity or is it successful? This depends on what you choose!
Ask following questions and get back your driving force:
  • Do I have that I need for success?
  • Do I possess love and passion for my life?
  • Do I love my job or business?
  • Do I work for creating success?
  • How can I create love and passion for my job and my life?
Be sure to make the required changes in order to be successful. I have observed that people who create love and passion in what they do achieve the success that other people dream of. Good luck for love and passion in your work and in your life for success! God bless you.

My name is Elaine Daley and I’m an Artist and Creative Coach. You can view my collection at: I’m here to get you excited about changing your life. Many people  are looking to wave good bye to a life orchestrated by others and really what to make a difference in their lives by achieving what really matters to them. If this is you  visit my website at: I would love to hear from you so leave your feedback, as I would love to hear from you........ 

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Tuesday 12 July 2016

Success Leaves Clues

What are the components of successful people? So many people over time have dissected this and put the pieces together backwards and forwards. They have used it to sell courses. The formula has been used to sell everything imaginable. I don't want to sell you anything. I want to give you

Priceless tips.

The one thing all successful people have in common whether they are financially successful, mentally successful, spiritually successful, relationally successful all of the above or some of the above is energy.
Sounds so simple doesn't it?

Have you heard most of them speak? They can eat anything or they have very specialized diets. They don't need sleep or they need lots of sleep.

They take time to meditate for two hours or they pray for a few minutes.

These are across the board. What they have in common is Energy. They know how to replenish themselves very quickly. They have an inner radar that tells them what they need to do to get their energy back and they are smart enough to both hear and obey that voice.

What do you do to replenish yourself in the moment? Be Truthful and write down you top ten things you do.
Now make another list of things you think would be really great to do when you need energy.
Please try any of them you like. Just use them so you start to know how to change your energy in new and improved ways.

Use what the mega hitters use the capacity to change their states of body of mind of finances of vision of, of, of through the use of energy shifting. Now it is your time to learn these things.
Enjoy! That too is successful.

I hope you enjoyed the article. My name is Elaine Daley and I’m an Artist and Creative Coach on a mission to use my art to inspire you to achieve what really matters to you. If you wish to go to the next level to achieve your life's ambitions please continue to visit this website for more powerful tips. 

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