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Tuesday 5 July 2016

'Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about CREATING YOURSELF'.

A few years ago when I was down in the dumps, feeling rather lost, frustrated, confused about where I was going and what to do - a received a lovely gift. It was a mug - but not just any old mug. It had some writing on it which said:

'Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about CREATING YOURSELF'.
Unfortunately it did not say who this delightful quote is from. If you happen to know - do add a comment...
I used to talk to friends and colleagues who may mention 'finding yourself' or your 'inner self' or how it's great to spend time to 'discover yourself'. People to go to meditation retreats, take gap years to find themselves, grow, learn and so on. This is all fine and dandy - but really once you've 'found' yourself then what? Let's get on board here - let's make things happen! Spending time to get to know yourself, what you are like - what you enjoy, value, are good at and passionate about is all hugely valuable - don't get me wrong. It's a key emphasis on what we do here - however it forms only 1 part of the equation. In order to get where you want to be we need to take control. Create yourself! Decide what is important to you - how you want to be, how you want to live - and create that world! If you don't want to do it alone find someone to help you - a friend, a mentor, or professional advisor.

Nowadays - whenever I feel confused with life or work, when I'm unsure or unclear about myself - I look at this mug and remember that - I'm in charge. I'm in control. It's up to me to go out there and choose exactly how I want my life and career to be. The focus is not on this soul-searching, 'finding myself', 'discovering the inner me' - in order to move from A to B - it's about creating who I am and who I am going to be. Now it's your turn - go ahead - create yourself...
Nisa Chitakasem is one of the founders of Position Ignition, a very personal careers advisory service for professionals. Position Ignition works with individuals through their careers transitions supporting them through to achieving their goals

I hope you enjoy this article which was written by To find out what you can do to change your life and achieve the things that really matter to you check out my website at:

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