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Tuesday 26 July 2016

How to Break Through the Barriers to Success, Part 1

We all want to be successful. And when we decide to follow our hearts and pursue our true work, there is this expectation that, somehow, everything we need to know will come to us, all the resources we need will be provided, and because we are doing work that is aligned with our purpose that all will be an effortless flow from one success to the next.

If any of you reading this right now are having this experience, then I want to talk! Because I have discovered that no matter how aligned you are with your purpose, no matter how passionate you are about what it is you are doing, and no matter how hungry the world is for what you have to offer, there are still going to be obstacles and barriers to success.

Most of those barriers are the result of us, insisting that if we just work hard enough, eventually we will achieve the success we seek.

I am here to tell you, there is an easier way. And that way is taking a small pause...and making sure you remember that, like the saying, success is an inside job first.

4 Big Barriers To Watch For
There are 4 big barriers to your success. And, there are corresponding inner actions you can take so that you can constantly be shifting yourself back into alignment with what it is you are wanting to accomplish. But before we get to those, let's take a quick look at what these barriers are.

Scattered Energy. Something happens. Your best laid plans go sideways. The day you had planned starts to unravel. Your emotional and spiritual energy gets totally tangled, you become reactive instead of intentional. You end up sending out scattered energies and getting results that are not in alignment with what you truly want.
Fear. You are in unknown territory. You have no frame of reference for where you are, or what you are doing and experiencing. There is an acronym for fear: false expectations appearing real. And it's really true. A lot of fear is the result of perceiving things that are not real.

Beliefs. Having beliefs that we are incapable or unworthy of the success we are seeking are probably some of the biggest barriers to success. Sometimes fear and belief barriers get all mixed up and we are fearful of the success itself. A belief is a very strong thought pattern that has been integrated with lots of emotion, so it is understandable if you are experiencing this kind of barrier and feeling frustrated with getting to the other side of it.

Focusing on the problems. Where your focus goes, your energy flows, and believe me, you are sure to follow. This barrier is a little bit sneaky. You may think that the problems are the barriers to your success, but it is actually focusing on those problems that is the barrier. You will never come up with the solutions you seek by keeping your eyes on the problems.

As It Is Within, So It Is Without
The way through all of these barriers to success begins with your connection and partnership with Divine Spirit. Sometimes we are in such a hurry to just get out there and be in action, that we forget that taking the few minutes to manage our energy, means you are going to shift your vibrational output to be more aligned with the solutions that will move you closer to success. Do the inner work, and the outer work becomes easier.

In Part 2 of "How to Break Through The Barriers to Success", I give you four energy tools that will help you to leverage your emotional energy and uplevel your vibrational frequency so you're in alignment with the success you are envisioning!

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