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Saturday 2 July 2016

Consistency Your Key to Achieving What really Matters to You.........

One of the most important disciplines to develop and maintain is the discipline of consistent action. Many people start out on projects or goals with all kinds of good intentions. They may be all pumped about their goal. For the first few days or weeks they faithfully make progress on their goal. Then they begin to slip. A day here and there turns into a week of missed opportunity and the weeks turn into months. They find themselves now months beyond their starting point with little to show for it.
Nearly all significant goals take a lot of work. There is no getting around this. Beware of get rich quick schemes or any promised short cut that promises instant success. Success is rarely ever instant, it is rarely ever quick.

The Law of the Farm
A good model for success in this respect is the farm. Farmers cannot afford to get all excited, work steadily for a few days or weeks and then let it all go. If they do they wont be farming very long. Farmers prepare their ground, plant their crops, tend their crops, weed and feed their crops, water their crops, and they do this day in and day out for months until the crops are ready to harvest. Farmers understand that if they neglect their crops for even a little while the weeds and the drought will take them away.
Farmers also know they must watch their crops at the end of the season very closely to harvest them at just the right time, quickly, so that they get them at the exact perfect point of ripeness which then gives them the
best return on their investment.

Successful farmers follow this consistent action plan month after month, season after season and year after year. Some call this the Law of the Farm. This discipline of consistent action is a natural and necessary part of farming. As most of us have left farms and moved into cities we have lost this discipline.
The fact is however that this same discipline of consistent action that makes farmers successful will make almost anyone successful at their endeavors.

Start Small
If this idea of consistent action is new to you or you are not accustomed to it, start with a small goal or project. Plan it out so you know what you must do each day and each week to maintain your momentum and work toward achieving your ultimate success. As the days and weeks pass you will see yourself moving closer to success. The secret here is to keep up the discipline. Do not slack off because things are going well at the moment. If you slack off the weeds will get you.

Once you have mastered this discipline for a small project or goal you are ready to apply it to your larger goals. You will have seen it work and understand at a deeper level how well it pays off. That understanding will help reinforce the discipline and keep you moving in the right direction.
It does not matter whether you are trying to lose weight, win a marathon, build a business, pay off your debts, or any other goal you may have. Steady discipline and continuous action taken every day and every week will get you there if you maintain the effort.

Successful people leave clues. If we observe what they do and copy it we too can succeed. Consistent action as a discipline is one of those clues that successful people leave and that you can learn and apply.
Sit down with a blank piece of paper today, do not put it off, and remember action every day. Write down your goal. Write down your daily and weekly steps to achieve that goal. Put reminders on your calendar or planner. Do it. Like the successful farmer you will reap the rewards in the final harvest.

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