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Sunday 17 July 2016

Creativity The Key To Your Success

We are all creative beings and we are designed for expansion and fuller expression. There is no other basic principle of life than this truth. We always want to be better, we always want to have more and do more; that is human nature and nature as we know it. It is our spiritual purpose, to create or co-create. We are the creators of our own reality. No one on this planet can righteously say that they are not creative. It is something that we are born with and we take with us to the day that we pass.

We are constant creators and we never stop creating our realities. Look at our technology, the internet, our homes, our communications, our clothes, our food, furniture and fixtures. How can anyone dare say they are not creative? We take ideas from nowhere and make them something that people want or need. We learn to fix things, take initiative in the office, raise children and even more. We write, sing, dance, play musical instruments, paint and build highways.
It is our nature to be creative. You can deny this or simply accept it as truth. The fact remains that we are creators of our own realities. Some people may not be creative artist, but may be creative engineers, just because we use the rules that fit our professions doesn't make us any less creative than the next guy.
In my life, my father was an electrical laboratory technician and he was very creative. This is a great story where creativity and economy merges to innovation. I observed my dad one day out messing around under the hood of the family car. I didn't give it much thought when he was tinkering around. I thought he was just changing the oil in the car, no bid deal. A few weeks later, I wanted to use the car to go out to see some friends. Well he was tinkering under the hood as usual or so I thought. When I came out to ask for permission to use the car (I was 17 at the time) he said okay let me pour the oil back in. I queried, "what are you talking about?" He then showed me that he built an oil catching mechanism for the car.

Apparently the car had an oil leak from somewhere in the engine. He built an apparatus that caught the leaking oil. When I asked why he did that, he mentioned that oil cost money and to fix the car would cost so much more. He simply improvised a way of catching the oil and pouring it back in to save money. It worked for him and we had that car for 3 years with his apparatus installed!

I will give you another example. When your shaving or brushing your teeth in the morning, you know washing your hands over the sink, does water fall over the sink and get on your wood cabinets or on the floor? I had that problem in that every time I would shave or wash up, there was always water of soap that would find its way to the wood cabinets below or on the floor. I got tired of constantly cleaning the wood and the floor underneath. After a while the wood looked pale and worn. I decided to be creative, so what I did is to take a small towel and place it partially at the edge of the sink. All the spills and overflow would then hit the towel and not the wood, the floor or the edge of the sink. Maybe it is just me, but my sink still looks like it did when I bought the house. One idea that is all it takes.

Just as my dad was creative with the car, or how I was creative with the bathroom sink, you are just as creative. To be successful in any given course of activity, one at times must be innovative or creative in some fashion. We don't always have the right circumstances or the right resources at hand to do anything. We are forced by nature and Universal Law to be creative. There is no denying that when presented with a problem that one of our most major resources and capabilities is our own natural creativity. Brainstorming, Master Minds Groups and a Life Coach can help you become more creative, because creativity is something we all have in common.

Please find coming back to this sight for more powerful inspiration......

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