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Thursday 30 June 2016

How Does "Think and Grow Rich" Help Me to Get Rich?

"Can I become rich or not?" and "How to get rich quick?" had been big questions before I read "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. Only when I discovered the true value of "Think and Grow Rich", not "Get Rich Quick", did my dominating dream of being rich become a reality.

I was born and grew up in a middle-class family. My parents' monthly income was just sufficient for daily living costs and tuition fees of my two brothers. I was allowed to finish my tertiary education without any other allowance. Therefore, I liked to read books of teaching life skills and getting rich. I have read nearly 30 books and also received some useful philosophy from them. However, no book could suggest me any detailed instructions and actions. It was not until I was 22 years old and bought Think and Grow Rich by chance that my concern on how to become rich was totally clear.

Thanks to strong motivations from this book, I began to change my life with practical plans of action to answer the question "What is my true desire?" because the desire is the starting point of all achievement.
The first thing I did was that, apart from 8 working hours in my company, I spent 4 remaining hours in a day doing my favorite things such as cooking, reading, traveling, playing guitar or writing... After 5 months, I found that I had an aptitude for combination and use of natural products to beautify. I mixed natural products manually to find out formulas to use in the most effective way. Gradually, I had an online website for my business to sell products with my own brand, stamp and design. With the effort and creativity, my current income is about 30 - 35 million dong; meanwhile, my friends only can earn about 5 - 10 million dong per month.

I really realized that the book had brought me a magic. The magic is not the creation of vast fortunes with billions of dollars, but it is the most proactive, useful, meaningful and happiest life I have. I have become a wealthy person under the concept of "Think and Grow Rich": "Both poverty and riches are the offspring of thought" and "Success requires no explanations, failure permits no alibis".
I strongly believe that Think and Grow Rich is the best self-help book that is worth reading. Let's "think and grow rich" with your desire, faith, knowledge, self-confidence and persistence to crystallize your burning desire into action because you are "the master of your fate, the captain of your soul".

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Wednesday 29 June 2016

Discover How Your Whole Life Will Change By Making The Right Decisions

People struggle with decision making for a variety of reasons. I hope to reveal insight on 3 of the reasons I have observed in my own personal journey.

1. Fear of Making a Bad Decision
This is probably the most difficult decision making obstacle. When we make a "bad" decision, we often feel like we have failed in some way, that we have not lived up to our own expectations in regard to our personal success. What you must understand, however, is that no success comes without failure. No one has ever achieved personal success without failing at some point.

What you must learn to do is this: Embrace the results of your decisions whether good or bad. Either way you have something to learn from the experience and move forward. So rather than be fearful of making decisions, look for opportunities to make even more decisions. Over time you will develop, through experience, the ability to make better and more confident decisions.

2. Procrastination
Often times, people avoid making a decision altogether simply because they wish to avoid the action required of the decision. An example could be someone who says "I'd like to lose 10-15 pounds," but then never follows through, because the action required would involve diet and exercise.
Or a person who says "I'd like to make more money this year," but doesn't ever seem to get around to it because they "don't have the time," when in reality they don't want to "sacrifice" the time they spend doing other things. Procrastination is simply making a decision to stay where you are, to accept the status quo, and do nothing about your personal, spiritual, or financial situation.

3. Thinking That a Choice Doesn't Exist
It's easy to be fooled into thinking that there is no decision to be made. I see people every day go to a job they hate because they don't think any other options exist for them. Yet our possibilities are nearly endless.
Don't like your job? Then do something else!
Don't like where you live? Move somewhere else!
The point is, you always have a choice about your life. Most people are "satisfied" with living within the boundaries of society's expectations, rather than living according to their own expectations.
I encourage you to make more decisions, commit to performing the actions required by those decisions, and remain conscious of your ability to change anything in your life with each decision you make.

Are you stuck in a rut? Do you feel that you have no way out? I hope this article has shown you that you have the power to take back control of your life, free from fear of failure and survive, nay prosper. So stop living within your own expectations, control you life, own your life because its the only one you'll ever  have....To obtain a guaranteed way to take control of your life visit...........

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Tuesday 28 June 2016

7 Strategies to Keep You Focused For Success With the Law of Attraction

The question I am asked the most about the law of attraction is how to stay focused on your big dream in spite of all the distractions that life throws your way. People want specific strategies to keep you focused for success. I have found the following 7 tips to be extremely powerful in helping me stay focused. You will too.

1. Have a Big WHY. This is important. Unless you have a strong reason reason 'why' you want to manifest something, you will never be using all your energy and putting all your attention on what needs to be done. You will find yourself distracted from the important things. But when your WHY is strong and you are passionate about achieving your dream, you WILL find the strength to face even the most challenging tasks.

2. Write Your Success. Write down your goals and dreams. Spell them out in detail. Be as specific as you can and include every little thing about your dream that you can think of. Putting your dreams down on paper solidifies them in your mind, and transfers your desires to your inner self. Plus, it forces you to think about your dream from angles and perspectives that you might not have thought of before.

3. See Your Success. Visualize yourself having already achieved your dream. In your mind's eye, see yourself living and loving your new future. But don't just imagine the thing that you want. Be sure to put yourself into the picture. Don't just visualize a new car, see yourself actually driving that new car.

4. Affirm Your Success. Reinforce your success by speaking your dreams into reality. Create a powerful set of affirmations that include all of the positive qualities you want to develop in yourself. Use them daily to create those necessary changes that will empower your manifesting ability.

5. Evaluate Your Success. Make sure you are headed in the right direction by pausing and checking the results of your efforts and hard work. Ask yourself some tough questions. "Is my plan working?" "Am I on track?" "What can I do differently to get better results?" Make adjustments in your plans if you need to, but be certain that you are still on track toward your big dream.

6. Take Action Every Day. Action is the only thing on your end of the manifesting process that is moving you forward in the world. Take some kind of action on your dream every single day. The actions you take don't have to big and time consuming, they can be as small as reading an article or looking up a resource. The important thing is to stay in motion, to keep doing something that relates to your dream.

7. Believe In Your SELF. This is the most important thing that you can do. It is critical for your success. In fact, if you do not believe in your ability to change your life, the law of attraction guarantees that you will be right! But the opposite is also true, if you believe that you have within yourself the power to create change, the power to manifest your desires, then the laws of attraction will open up endless worlds of possibility for you to reach your dreams.

Learning how to stay focused is easy... if you are committed to reaching your dream. These seven strategies to keep you focused for success have made a world of difference in my own life, helping me pay attention to what is really important, so that I manifest only those things and situations that are really what I want. They will do the same for you, they will help you unlock your manifesting power and bring your dreams into reality!

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Monday 27 June 2016

How to Conquer Your Fears and Manifest Your Dreams

Are you allowing your fears to prevent you from manifesting your dreams of prosperity and a better life? Fear is an interesting animal. Conquering your fears is something most of us have so much difficulty with (at least in certain aspects of our lives) that it's spawned its own industry of gurus teaching you not to be afraid and not to give in to your fears.

At the same time, you have advertisers promoting to you non-stop attempting to sell you products designed to protect you from the unfortunate outcomes or accidents that may befall you. This of course feeds the fear even more, meaning there's more demand for the anti-fear gurus. Yet, there is a funny thing about fear most of us overlook.

Fear Is Not Real
For the most part, fear is all in your head. Ninety nine percent of the things you fear never end up happening.
Fear is generally focused on a future outcome you anticipate or imagine. The outcome is something you do not want and you're predisposed to believing it's the only possible outcome as you move forward.
Perhaps the most insidious aspect of fear is that it often leads you to freeze ... to do nothing because there's the possibility it will all turn out bad. In other words, we find ourselves playing not to get hurt rather than playing to win. How can that lead to a fulfilling life of inspired abundance?

Fear Takes On Many Shapes

There are all kinds of fears. The fear of speaking in public is a big one -- but its just a conversation. In martial arts, you learn to break boards with your hands and feet. Yet so many beginners are afraid they will break their hand. Some time ago, I walked barefoot on fire and hot coals that were over 1200 degrees Fahrenheit. My mind told me I would get burned (or worse) -- and in fact I had to sign a release acknowledging I could die. I didn't get burned at all. Financial fear is another big one. We've been so conditioned that few of us will ever break free of our financial fears. We worry about being able to provide for our families, send the kids to college, or retire with enough money to live. We're inundated with offers of insurance and commercials focusing on the minefield of risks before us. We are so concerned about losing money that we end up not participating in opportunities when they come along. We presuppose the outcome and so don't even try.

Why Not Presuppose Your Dreams Instead?
At what point was it when you began to choose to put more faith in your fears than in your dreams?
Dreams are simply the opposite side of the coin from fear. They also represent an anticipated or imagined outcome.
Why is the dream less likely to occur than the outcome we fear? The truth is that it isn't less likely. By putting more focus and attention on pursuing your dreams, you may well end up conquering your fears.
However, you do tend to get what you focus on and what you believe. So perhaps its time to invest a little more energy in focusing upon and believing in what is possible -- that dreams do come true if you persist with faith and belief in yourself.

Would you like more information about how to overcome your fears and move towards your prosperity goals? If so visit:

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Sunday 26 June 2016

5 Ways To Break Through Your Mental Barriers

What is it that's holding you back?
You know there are things you want or need to do. You just can't get yourself to start. Don't worry, that's a natural element to the human mind. We all have mental barriers keeping us from pushing the envelope or stepping into action. There's a mental mechanism that doesn't like change. It doesn't like doing more than it's accustomed to. Why? It helps keep you in a state of equilibrium or status quo. You know you must do something more or different, but you have subconscious voices telling you not to. They'll say, "Wait till you have more time and money", "You don't know enough", "You're not meant to do that", or "I don't know if it's safe to try that". You get the idea.

How to break though these mental barriers is to first stop the noise. Quiet the negative mental chatter. How? Use your awareness and snap out of it. Stay in the present moment! This helps break the habitual mental dialogue. Your brain can now form new and empowering thoughts.

Use it or Lose it!
You have inherent abilities that weren't properly impressed upon. Your aim is use more of these abilities such as the Will, Determination, Intuition, Imagination and Creativity. They've always been there but we've been taught to operate by reacting to our external environment first, not from within.
Here are 5 real ways to break through those mental barriers and propel yourself into True Action.

1) Believe
"Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve"
Get into the habit of turning your thinking from limitation to achievement. This basic yet powerful new viewpoint puts you in forward motion to your goals. Cultivate an attitude of believing in... Yourself!

2) Quiet!
You must turn down the mental volume. Be in the Now moment. Here you're able to shut off the limiting beliefs and thought patterns. Just clearing this alone puts you back in a mental and emotional state to moving forward. Most of our limitations are driven by subconscious programming.

3) Everything Is Energy!
There is something called Magnetic Creative Energy. In fact everything about us is made of energy. Envision yourself achieving the end goal. Make sure you immerse yourself in that scene with all your senses. Make it more real than anything else.
Soon you'll build up to an energetic pivotal point in which you are propelled into action. And that true action comes from within the Self. Not just action for action's sake, or chasing your tail.

4) Jack's Car Lights
There's something that has stayed with me for years. Author Jack Canfield in the DVD, The Secret, made the analogy of car headlights. You're driving in the dark of night and you only see the next hundred feet in front of you, then the next, and the next. Take one step of action at a time. You then let the next step unfold, and the next. Now you're building momentum.

5) Clear Your Inner Enemies
Maybe you have those dangerous barriers of self doubt, fear, anxiety and confusion. These are your worst enemies lying in the subconscious. It's crucial you access them and clear them. There many ways to do this such as EFT and the Sedona Method. I use EFT and I also like Dr. George Pratt's four step approach in his book, Code To Joy. He deals with both your energy systems simultaneously with your emotional states. It's a user friendly system that anyone can do effectively. Take these 5 ways and intentionally break through to confidence, clarity and most importantly, true action. It's now time for you to take back the reigns and use more of your inner abilities of determination and the Will.I am the author of the Must Read book, "Yes, It's All About You! Seeing First Yourself, Then the World You Create". The last several years I've studied and continue to apply knowledge of Universal Laws, the Self, and Mind. Also Quantum Physics as it relates (but not limited) to consciousness, universe and the world within the mind that creates "reality".

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Saturday 25 June 2016

How Can Your Failure Guarantee Your Success!

We hear it all the time; "Fail again. Fail better." "If you want to succeed, double your failure rate" "You cannot be successful without failure" and so forth. These are the words of some of the most successful people in history and now, but what are they on about? Why must we fail in order to be successful? Where does failure fit into the picture?
This is a very good question, and one I have been asking a lot myself lately.
So why so much emphasis on failure? No businessman, newlywed couple, or university student will tell you that failure is one of their objectives in their route to success.
But it seems that highly successful people seem to think so, and boldly emphasise it, repeatedly. Is failure some sort of exotic elixir to reach success? The logic seems to counter our conventional wisdom.
But perhaps experience is a better teacher than logic and they may just be on to something:

1. So what is failure?
Failure, by definition, can be described as the opposite of success; missing the mark, not meeting a desirable goal or intended target.
As a noun, failure can be described as the "non-performance of something due, required or expected"
In speech:
  • The car experienced engine failure.
  • He felt like a failure when he wasn't accepted into law school.
  • The business project was a complete failure.
  • She had failed at her marriage
Two types of failures
1. Utter failure
2. Temporary failure
Both are one in the same, but by illustration they are quite different:
1. Utter failure
This sort is usually the hardest to deal with, It has the highest potential for depression and demotivation.
John had a great idea for a business, his family and friends greatly endorsed and supported it, It was a good idea. When the time was right he left his job, put his home as collateral and invested his life savings into the project.

He ran the business successfully for 4 years and was making good gains.
Things did not go as planned however, in year 5 the warehouse he had purchased for inventory burnt down due to acts of nature and he lost 90% of his stock and almost all his capital in assets.
The insurance company failed to cover the losses and he was left broke, and on the brink of homelessness.

2. Temporary failure
This type of failure can be used synonymously with 'setback', Its outcomes are usually not that severe and can be viewed upon as lessons:
Peter also had a great idea for a business. He invested large sums of money into it and ran it successfully for 4 years. In year 5 his business started to grow and the tasks became too much for him to handle on his own, so he hired help, and enter his lifelong friend Bob;
Bob turned out to be not the best manager; he was the cause of a lot of staff resignations that year and during his tenure the company lost a quarter of its key clientelle and the business profits slumped.
Peter had failed his business, temporarily, he could find an easy remedy to the problem and learn from his error in judgement.
John on the other hand had it harder. He experienced utter failure and defeat. He had to start over or move on to a new project. He had more work to do, more to deal with, he had to get his life back together.
Both men had failed, but on different scales, both were left demotivated and discouraged, neither were failures however.
Failure was an event that happened to them which both could learn and grow from. A fitting word of encouragement to one of them who fell into depression would be "Just because you failed once at something does not mean you will fail at everything." ~ Marilyn Monroe

2. What we learn from failure
Maya Angelou once said "You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, and how you can still come out of it." Failure truly is a humbling experience, but it is an excellent tutor.
If we can learn from failure it teaches us much, things we thought we knew about ourselves but actually didn't. Through quite self-reflection and honest introspection in our lowest times we find out who we are, our passions, and what we are good at.
Failure says "You're not as good of a salesman as you think you are, so improve" or "You're a bad financial manager, get advice or learn how to budget."
Failure steers us in the right direction, it says "That's not the route you should take, take this route instead."
And slowly through a zigzag motion of several setbacks and dead ends we arrive at our destination, battered and bruised, be we arrive nonetheless; stronger, wiser, more confident and bolder than we were before.
In engineering, the greatest inventions come about after a large degree of failure, for instance Thomas Edison demonstrates this well when he says: "I have not failed. I have found 10,000 ways that won't work."
Failure can be progress.
When the engine fails, we learn that something is wrong with it, and fix it so we avoid imminent disaster. Failure teaches us to plan for failure so we minimise the risk, thereby getting toward our goal much quicker.

3. How we learn from failure
Human beings learn in many ways -- through education, the internet, people, literature, experience and so on. But primarily our brain is hardwired to learn in one of two ways; play and errors in judgement;
If you've ever stuck your finger in an electric wall plug or touched a burning stove as a child, you learnt quickly not to do that again. The feeling of pain discouraged repeated behaviour as the experience of it was unpleasant and undesirable.
In early development toddlers learn exclusively through play; by touching, tasting, feeling, smelling and hearing the world around them they learn what the world is about. They learn to walk through trial and error and after many many falls. When the toddler grows up they continue to learn through play and repeated failure. They fall, cry, climb, and fall some more until they can successfully and skillfully climb up that tree.
To adulthood the same process continues, we never stop playing. Games just take on new and different forms. When we make mistakes we learn, much like in our youth. Failure is unpleasant yes, it is uncomfortable. It is undesirable and is an inconvenient hindrance in our path to our goals, but it is necessary. To fail is to learn, to learn is to grow. To grow is to progress.

4. How we deal with failure
Once upon a time there were twin boys born of an alcoholic father. In adulthood one became an alcoholic and the other a successful person. When asked why he was such the alcoholic responded "What would you expect, my father was an alcoholic." When the other was asked the same question he also responded "What would you expect, my father was an alcoholic." Both had choices and both chose a path.
Dorothy, was abused by her father throughout her childhood. Her father passed away when she was 20 but throughout her adult life she blamed him for everything that happened to her; her depression, her ill health, her poor relationships, her finances, her poor social relations etc.
Her father had passed away 25 years prior but his presence was still felt by her and he still held power over her life, or so she thought, for actually the power was in her mind. There are many stories of people who went through similar challenges and great difficulties in their early life but made a success out of themselves by turning their situation around. Our success is determined by how we deal with failure, either we can let it beat us or we can let it teach us.

5. Maximising On failure
There are certain lessons that can only be learnt from hard failure. There are countless stories in history where people used bad situations and turned it to good, people who maximised on their failure and seized the opportunity and did something great in their plight, to name just a few;
John Milton did his best writing while blind, sick and poor Beethoven composed his greatest work after he went deaf Daniel Dafoe, author of Robinson Crusoe wrote his book at his lowest, as a failure in prison.
Sometimes our greatest feats await us in our lowest times. It is all about how we deal with the situation that counts. Either we can be glad we went through the experience and came out bigger better and stronger, or we can dabble in self pity and depression.

So you got pregnant and you don't know what to do. Or you just failed the year in school and you feel like a failure. Or your marriage didn't work and you feel like you've failed everybody, including yourself. Or perhaps your business idea didn't work and you've just let down a lot of people and their families. Does that make you a failure? Does that mean you have failed at life? Does that mean your world is about to end? No. No. No.

This too shall pass. Girdle up your loins. Straighten your upper back. Stand fast. You were born a champion, a winner. Champions lose sometimes, this is but a minor defeat. You will get through it. As hard as it seems, you will get through it. You will come out stronger and wiser than you were before. You cannot give up, hang in there, these are your memories, your scars, your passions, your testimony of living. Memories you will keep and cherish forever.
When asked why she spoke so much on failure, J.K. Rowling responded:
"Simply because failure means a stripping away of the inessential, I stopped pretending to myself that I was anything other than what I was, and began to direct all my energy into finishing the only work that mattered to me.
Had I really succeeded at anything else, I might never have found the determination to succeed in the one arena I believed I truly belonged. I was set free, because my greatest fear had been realized, and I was still alive, and I still had a daughter whom I adored, and I had an old typewriter and a big idea. And so rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life."
She continued... "You might never fail on the scale I did, but some failure in life is inevitable. It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all - in which case, you fail by default." Theodoore Roosevelt once said "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor souls who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."

The Mind-set
It is said that when he [Sophocles,] was told of an impending invasion by the Persians, he tucked his head down and continued to plough. We imagine that to the news bearer his conversation went something like this "Theophilus, Must I too adorn sackcloth and throw ashes in appeal to the gods? If they will war then let be, it is for us to hope and deal with it as it comes. "
Problems can happen at any moment, nothing is guaranteed.
When they come we should see them as learning experiences. We should ask ourselves what can I learn from this that I will value in the future? Rejection and failure, frustration and setbacks - all these things are fuels to our success. If you've ever been rejected you will know that passion that burns inside. In one of his speeches Zig ziglar once said "on occasion you've been told that you can't do this or that, or have no skills or talent for this or that. If you overcame those negative comments and did what you were told you couldn't do, you smile at the memory of the satisfaction you gained by proving them all wrong. You didn't listen to what they said and succeeded in spite of and in some cases, because of their doubts of you"

Most success stories we hear validate that most people who "make it big" experience several failures on their way up. Every day is an opportunity to start over, and every failure can be a learning experience that prepares us for success.
Success is not final and failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. ~ Winston Churchill
" Most great people have attained their greatest success just one step after their greatest failure." ~ Napoleon Hill
" Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success." ~ Dale Carnegie
" Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently." ~ Henry Ford
"Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed to an equal or greater benefit." ~ Napoleon Hill
"If we will be quiet and ready enough, we shall find compensation in every disappointment." ~ Henry David Thoreau

I hope you have enjoyed this article, the reality is there is no such thing as failure, if you learn from it. We are all on a journey in life and failure is simply a way of telling us that we need to do things in a different way. Temporary defeat should mean only one thing, the certain knowledge that there is something wrong with our plan and we need to create another one......Adapt, change, develop, learn.....Achieve your goals by trying new things and growing from what you learn ......We are all on a journey of discovery, the thing is not to standstill, but to learn and grow.......... 

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Friday 24 June 2016

How To Get The Exact Position You Desire

Do you believe that your desires and dreams do not need to be a priority because life is 'good enough'?
Do you believe, "I need to be grateful for what I have. Other people are happy with less. It is selfish to desire more money, abundance, love, time, health or freedom to have more leisure time."

Who put limits on how much you deserve or that you need to settle for less? You deserve to have all that you desire. You were meant to live your best possible life, and to be happy and fulfilled by your grandest desires.

You might think having your grandest desires takes extraordinary skills, talent or resources. It does not matter how long you have been stuck or how good or bad your life's circumstances seem. These proven strategies transform people from all walks of life.

Everyone can achieve their grandest desires when one knows three simple strategies. Leave 'good enough' behind and embrace YOUR greatness. Now is the time for you to change your limiting belief paradigm. These three strategies will propel you to the finish line:

Taking the first step is the biggest hurdle. In order to take the first step you need to reach deep within to bring forth your confidence.

• Set realistic goals... Rome wasn't built in a day.
• Develop a plan to achieve each goal(s).
• De-clutter your thoughts. Old ways of thinking keep you stuck. Let go of negative beliefs.
This moment is the first moment of the rest of your life. Are you willing to do what it takes to claim your happiness and success?

There is no shame in asking for assistance to create your desires and happiness. If you have read the books, taken workshops, had psychic readings, counseling, coaching or taken prescriptions and OTC drugs etc. and still struggle; you might have emotional blocks preventing you from moving into creating your desires and happiness.

This is an investment to achieve your desires and happiness. Following the three strategies will change your life forever and I want you to experience it yourself as soon as possible. Remember only you can create your desires and happiness.

You are worth it. You deserve to create your desired success and happiness.

I hope you enjoyed the article. My name is Elaine Daley and I’m an Artist and Creative Coach on a mission to use my art to inspire you to achieve what really matters to you. If you wish to go to the next level to achieve your life's ambitions please visit my website at: and leave your feedback I would love to hear from you........ 

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Thursday 23 June 2016

Discover How to Manifest Your Desires & Attract Success

Do you want to manifest your desires and attract success? This is a very common question especially if you want to manifest your desires. Although not so many have found the answer, it is not essentially a very difficult thing to do. You just have to look at the right places to manifest your desires.
It has been said that if you work hard for it you will be able to achieve it. In addition to a little dash of luck too! But what is it that you must do to manifest your desires? It is required to know what it is that you want! This is not always easy; many focus on what they do not want. Knowing what you desire will give you a goal that you can focus on. The object that we focus more on is what we receive. Then dream big about what you want. Visualize yourself having it. How do you feel? Are you tingling in your stomach?

Be committed to achieving your goals and the changes you desire will start to come about with steadiness. Your unconscious becomes activated when you commit yourself to take action. When you try to learn something, your mind learns from the experiences. If you do not know where to start, it is okay. You can start anywhere. Just one simple step is needed and you will find yourself going on and on. Do not wait for anyone to do things for you. You have to do it yourself.
An added point that you must know about is the magic of positive thinking.

For those who always see the bright side, there are so many opportunities. They learn from their mistakes and they use it to their advantage. People who are optimistic always look forward that everything will be to their favour. What is the result? They get it! This is very helpful if you long to manifest your desires. Negativity will not help you because it attracts bad energy, that is why staying positive is significant for the
best results.

So you see that all is there for you to receive. We just have to do our share and believe. Know that there is enough of whatever it is we desire for all.
Are you frustrated with getting your manifestations to create the results you want in your life. If so visit

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Wednesday 22 June 2016

Your Imagination Is the Key to Your Future

Success has a structure; it is a formula which is essentially very very simple. It starts with:
-Knowing where you want to go in life
-Knowing where you are now in life.
-And then knowing what you are going to do about it.
-Finally it comes down to those three very important words
-Just doing it.
It Sounds easy but it is not that straight forward for the majority of us.
People only work their hardest and genuinely give of their best when they really want to, when it matters to them. Whilst there is some place for motivational tools in terms of encouraging people to take action, real sustainable success will not come about until people themselves choose to give their best.
In my experience people give their best when they identify with;
o The culture of a business
o The vision of a business
o The values of a business
The deeper this identity is then the more productive the relationship will be.
Essentially there are three key aspects that actually determine if we can achieve something to be successful and to realise our true potential. These are:
-Our Experiences
-Our knowledge
-Our Imagination
It is actually imagination that plays the biggest single part of our achievements and our leadership. So I want you to ask yourself, Are you the kind of person that says? 'I'll believe it when I see it' OR 'I'll see it when I believe it'. The artist Vincent Van Gogh believed in the latter. He said,'I dream my painting then I paint my dream'.
So being successful starts with mindset-believing in yourself and your vision of your future. This is absolutely critical as our thoughts are extremely powerful in terms of bringing us what we want but first you need to be very clear and precise on what it is you want. The next step is to set some goals and these should be clear and specific, thereby improving the possibility of the mind following instructions, in particular, the subconscious mind which is the key to breaking habits or clearing self-limiting beliefs.
Then it pays to take the time to write down those goals. Statistics reveal that only about 3% of people actually do this but it is a proven technique utilised by successful individuals because it significantly reinforces the intention. The practice of utilising visualisation to focus on your goals is another secret to success. You need to take the time to feel the emotion of what achieving those goals will actually mean to you and do for you. The stronger that belief is the greater chance of success you will have in overcoming the many setbacks, coping with a good deal of rejection and in ignoring those people who tell you that you to forget your dreams.
Become a student of personal development, surround yourself with people who are going where you want to go and learn from those who have already got there. Success is a formula which can be learned and duplicated. Embrace change don't fight it. You will need to take regular action and you will also need to take some calculated risks; procrastination is the enemy of success.
Sometimes it is incredibly hard to maintain a positive mindset when you have had repeatable knocks and disappointments but all talented entrepreneurs know that failure is an inherent part of success. That is how Post It notes and Liquorice Allsorts got invented.
So failure itself may not be fatal, often it can be at times of chaos or tragedy in our lives when we find out truly what makes our heart sing. It is this burning desire called passion that pushes us on to even greater levels of success. A key characteristic of winners is that they never give up they just keep practising and practising until they have success in their sights. So you will need to stay disciplined and committed and remember that in order to breakthrough you will need to learn to do things differently.
Ultimately you need to pursue your passions and follow your heart if you want to achieve real sustainable success.
'Focussing your life solely on making a buck shows a poverty of ambition. It asks too little of yourself and it will leave you unfulfilled' -Barack Obama
Kath Roberts would describe herself as a 'talenteur' because her business is about attracting like minded souls who want to create a life of more passion and purpose and to utilise their talents to help themselves and others and who choose to define success in their own terms. Her business is dedicated to showing women how you truly can be successful from home and have a life too.

I hope you enjoyed this article, please visit this website for more empowering articles. My name is Elaine Daley and I’m an Artist and Creative Coach on a mission to use my art to inspire you to achieve what really matters to you. If you wish to go to the next level to achieve your life's ambitions please visit my website at: and leave your feedback because I would love to hear from you........

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Tuesday 21 June 2016

The Power of Consistency and Persistence

How many of you can claim with absolute certainty that you have applied consistency and persistence in your daily life with some measure of success? [Cue silence]
Consistency and persistence are two elusive virtues difficult to sustain if not regularly engaged. Let's take a moment to peer through the lens of what consistency and persistence have to offer.
You've no doubt been well informed of the merits of consistency within a practical approach. Attend any weekend course and I can assure you the instructor will endorse the power of consistency as a key attribute toward accomplishment.

Consistency may be defined as developing discipline in a chosen field, in favour of a favourable outcome. Those who uphold discipline are rewarded with success, since they have harnessed enduring focus through concerted effort.
Let's be clear while on the subject. Success in this context is not limited to certain areas of life. If losing weight and eating healthy is your primary goal, taking appropriate action steps on a frequent and consistent basis may be considered a success.
Far too many people discount the power of consistent effort towards their goals. Consistency creates powerful neural networks in the brain known as grooving. These grooved neural networks help form strong connections within the brain's synaptic connections, thus enhancing your concentration on a task or goal.
When one applies intermittent effort to a goal, the brain does not receive sufficient stimuli to form powerful habits. It is the Hebbian theory, introduced by the Canadian psychologist Donald O. Hebb who states that "nerves that fire together, wire together." With consistent effort, your brain acquires permanent neural connections as a result of prolonged application.
Consistently focussing attention towards your goals allows the brain to lock on to the target. Consistency may be perceived as the ability to sustain continuous effort despite external forces. Ceaseless determination is paramount in order to draw a favourable outcome.
Consistency builds character and sharpens the mind. Consistent people are triumphant. They possess an inner drive which is unyielding. They are firm in their resolve to bring about positive results. They do not compromise by cutting corners or taking the road less travelled. Ultimately this dedication pays off with the rewards that await.
One final thought on consistency worth mentioning. Consistency is essential in a task-orientated goal since it allows you to trace your results through to completion. For example, many people give up on improving their nutritional and exercise goals as challenges arise.
Following success without a measure of sustain performance is likely to produce ineffectual outcomes. In a number of instances ones desired results may not be visible for some time, particularly when modifying nutritional and exercise goals. Oftentimes events are working in your favour albeit behind the scenes, while laying the foundations for future progress.

Harnessing Persistence
Let us turn our attention now to the power of persistent effort. It should be stated that persistence is a state of mind. It is the hallmark of accomplishment given that persistent people push through pain. Pain refers to the setbacks and roadblocks that are apparent when ploughing ahead. One's ability to recover from failure and setbacks forms the basis for future success.
Persistence acknowledges the existence of external forces continually acting on us. Such forces have the potential to derail or even hinder one's progress. The persistent person acknowledges these forces are working against them, yet lingers ahead.
In previous articles, I drew your attention toward establishing a compelling WHY? since I believe it to be a crucial measure of improvement. Persistent people have an indomitable will to succeed, having connected with a persuasive WHY?
Behavioural psychologists have long believed that simply showing up is a sufficient measure towards future success. I hold firm to the belief that showing up is inadequate, since people show up every day to dreary and mundane jobs which they loathe. Whilst the body is present, their minds are on vacation somewhere on a tropical island. Showing up means being present and engaged with absolute intention and purpose.
Another key influence is the power of momentum, which is a formidable ally toward goal attainment. Without momentum, one applies partial effort while anticipating victory. Think back to your last project in which you applied persistence and momentum. I daresay that your efforts were met with ease and perfection, as though you were in Flow.

Momentum is the accelerator driving persistence. As you maintain persistence, momentum takes the wheel to hasten progress. Artists will advise you that every creative pursuit takes a life of its own once commitment has been made, compelling it forward.
Thus the power of consistency and persistence are two fundamental forces that have the potential to generate powerful and lasting success in all areas of your life.
Use them wisely.
If you enjoyed this article by Tony Fahkry, why not gain access to Tony's full body of knowledge by getting a copy of his new book 'The Power to Navigate Life'
The Power to Navigate Life is arguably the most complete and powerful teachings on the mastering of life. The Power to Navigate Life is your opportunity to experience a rewarding life from the very first page.

I hope you enjoyed this article. I'm an Artist and Creative Coach on a mission to use my art to inspire people like you to achieve what really matters to you.

If you wish to wave good bye to a life orchestrated by others with little hope of change than visit my website at: I would love to hear from you so leave your feed back, as I would love to hear from you........ 

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