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Monday, 13 June 2016

Discover Why Your Passion is the Secret to Your Success

Hello again,

I'm writing to you today about a very, very important subject - passion. Now don't get this confused with your nighttime activities in the bedroom, that's not what I'm talking about. We'll discuss that later...
What is your passion? Do you have passion for life? If I asked you to get a piece of paper and a pen and write down 50 things that you're passionate about, would you be stuck after about three? Ok, calm down. I'm not going to do that! But seriously, most of us sort of "sleepwalk" through life not even considering if we're doing what we really and truly are passionate about in life. One thing I ask people is "are you passionate about your job"? Wow, what a loaded question, huh? Try that at work sometime, the blank looks are priceless! But have you honestly taken a hard look at what you do every day? Is it truly what you are good at and love to do? They say that if you are doing what you really love to do every day, and get paid for it, you will never work a day in your life.
Unfortunately, most people aren't doing what they love but what they "fell into" when they graduated from high school or college. I was in that club myself! I worked many years at a job I didn't like, because I thought it sounded good at the time. Well, if only I had tried a few things that I enjoyed doing, and followed my dreams, what a big difference it would have made in my life! My passion in school was mostly sports, but I never figured I could make it in that field. Too hard, too many things to go wrong, one excuse after another. Luckily I ended up in computers, which helped me start a business! But my passion is really writing, which if I had just found a few years earlier would have made me so much happier! Money isn't what I'm talking about, either. If you're good at something, and most people are good (or get good) at what they enjoy doing every day, you will figure out a way to make the money show up.
So take stock at what you really like to do, what are you skills - are you a good talker? Are you good at problem-solving? Can you create really great things made of wood? Figure out a way to use that skill, either creating a business from it or finding someone that is already in that field and copying what they are doing. Sure, it may take awhile to get a reputation as someone that has great skills at this new endeavor. But any price you pay will be worth it if you can finally make money doing what you really love to do! Your passion in life - and making money too? That's the best of both worlds!
Ok, there's more to life than just a "job" right? What other passions do you have in life? Ok, everybody has a hobby right? What have you had in the back of your mind that you "always wanted to try"? Something daring, bold, that would really make you feel alive! Try new things on a regular basis - get out of your comfort zone, expand your horizons! It doesn't have to be motorcycle racing or skydiving, but just something different. Even just a dancing class or art class at the local community college, learn a new language, take up an instrument, go visiting every museum in your state. There are thousands of activities that can push you to have the time of your life, get out there and live! As they say life is for the living, so make the most of it while you can. We all like to think we'll live to a ripe old age, but it could all end tomorrow. Don't let life pass you by, make every minute count starting today.
To you continued success and happiness!
Doug Hart, CHO of GetPassionForLife
I've spent many years studying psychology, philosophy, NLP, and motivation. My particular focus is on the biggest question in life - what makes us happy? Join me and maybe together we can discover more about what makes you happier in life. I think it's more of a journey than a destination, and I would like to make your journey much more exhilarating, passionate, loving, and unforgettable!

I  hope you found this article interest, I will be publishing a free e-Book all about the True Secret of Your Success and it will go into more details about exactly how your passion will set you FREE........

Please keep visiting his website for more inspiration on fulfilling your life goals..........

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