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Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Discover How Your Whole Life Will Change By Making The Right Decisions

People struggle with decision making for a variety of reasons. I hope to reveal insight on 3 of the reasons I have observed in my own personal journey.

1. Fear of Making a Bad Decision
This is probably the most difficult decision making obstacle. When we make a "bad" decision, we often feel like we have failed in some way, that we have not lived up to our own expectations in regard to our personal success. What you must understand, however, is that no success comes without failure. No one has ever achieved personal success without failing at some point.

What you must learn to do is this: Embrace the results of your decisions whether good or bad. Either way you have something to learn from the experience and move forward. So rather than be fearful of making decisions, look for opportunities to make even more decisions. Over time you will develop, through experience, the ability to make better and more confident decisions.

2. Procrastination
Often times, people avoid making a decision altogether simply because they wish to avoid the action required of the decision. An example could be someone who says "I'd like to lose 10-15 pounds," but then never follows through, because the action required would involve diet and exercise.
Or a person who says "I'd like to make more money this year," but doesn't ever seem to get around to it because they "don't have the time," when in reality they don't want to "sacrifice" the time they spend doing other things. Procrastination is simply making a decision to stay where you are, to accept the status quo, and do nothing about your personal, spiritual, or financial situation.

3. Thinking That a Choice Doesn't Exist
It's easy to be fooled into thinking that there is no decision to be made. I see people every day go to a job they hate because they don't think any other options exist for them. Yet our possibilities are nearly endless.
Don't like your job? Then do something else!
Don't like where you live? Move somewhere else!
The point is, you always have a choice about your life. Most people are "satisfied" with living within the boundaries of society's expectations, rather than living according to their own expectations.
I encourage you to make more decisions, commit to performing the actions required by those decisions, and remain conscious of your ability to change anything in your life with each decision you make.

Are you stuck in a rut? Do you feel that you have no way out? I hope this article has shown you that you have the power to take back control of your life, free from fear of failure and survive, nay prosper. So stop living within your own expectations, control you life, own your life because its the only one you'll ever  have....To obtain a guaranteed way to take control of your life visit...........

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