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Saturday, 4 June 2016

How to Become Confident Instantly!

Have you ever wanted to feel confident in certain situations when you were not? Like, meeting a client or giving a presentation. Would not it be powerful for you to change a lazy state at will to a motivated one? How would that change your life? How about changing a fear to go on stage to feeling enthusiastic about doing it? How much will it change results you are able to produce in your life?

Well, you can. You are in charge of your state and your physiology is one of the most powerful tools you can use to change your states. If you wanted to feel confident, all you have to do is to adopt the total physiology of confidence.
If you want to feel motivated, adopt the physiology of motivation. This may sound very simplistic, but it is exactly how the brain and body are neurologically wired up together. The trouble with most people is that they are not willing to do whatever it takes to manage their states. They just let their states be affected by other people, or let it go on autopilot.
So, how do you to get a state of confidence? Imagine that you are going to make a presentation which you have prepared for but as usual you do not feel confident about it. You feel those butterflies in your stomach and you are afraid that everything will just go blank, and it has been this lack of confidence that has affected your performance in the past.
If you think about it, I am sure there has been a time in the past where you felt totally confident about giving a talk, or feeling really confident in doing something you are good at.
Go back to the time and adopt the same physiology. Stand the way you stood when you felt totally confident, breathe the way you breathe when you felt totally powerful and confident, have the same tension in your face, your arms and your hands.
Have the same focus in your eyes and say to yourself in your head what you normally say when you are feeling totally confident in that same exact tone and voice. It could be like, "Yes! We will do it. No problem!" I want you to get up right now and do this exercise, alright? If you had follow what I said, do you feel that confidence stay? I bet you would.
As long as you have access to the power of states of the past, you mind and body can recreate it exactly like it by accessing the past resources.
There is a saying that says this, "Fake it till you make it!" If you are not confident, act as if you are confident, and you will become confident. And if you are not motivated, act as if you are motivated, and you will feel motivated.
I hope you have enjoyed this article. If you really want to build your confidence and ensure you make your ambitions a reality visit:

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